Im very grateful for the Soul Retrieval treatment with Sanja, that brought me back one piece of my ‘being’ from my childhood. It brought back how I felt being a child. Thank you so much!

At the time when I met Sanja I was looking for the means to heal, to slow down and to accept the life and myself from the ground level.We did a sankalpa meditation and power animal ritual. These sessions helped me to initiate the reconnection with that mood of the mystical, unknown, and elemental in my life and to sense how benevolent and interdependent everything is. Also, Sanja is just such an open person to hear from, full with deep insight.

Thank you so much for this amazing journey. It was my first experience with this kind of treatment and I am looking forward to have it again ! Felt absolutely secure, peaceful and loved during the treatment. Now after it, I feel so relieved. Some things come up in my dreams and make me aware about certain topics in my life. It gave me hope and trust to work with love on them.